Have a look at what David’s reading here.
David Pipe was born in 1949 in a small Essex village. He attended a local grammar school then the University of Hull where he took a B.Sc in chemistry. He worked in the pharmaceutical industry in England and South Africa before studying for a PhD in organic chemistry at Imperial College. After spells at universities in Geneva and Mulhouse he joined the oil industry in Germany where, aged 53, he gratefully took a redundancy package. Following a period of self-employment he wound down his business, eventually giving it up to scratch the writing itch which has produced Sacrificing Starlight, a timely reminder of the risks our children face and Henry’s Tale, where ghostwriting for his furry friend he describes the emotional growth of a puppy on the rollercoaster of life, compressed into a few weeks because puppies learn faster than their staff.
When he’s not writing David spends his time reading, nordic walking and cooking. He is married and lives in Hamburg with his wife and following the passing of Dear Henry their new Border terrier Blix.
Following the Tsunami in 2004 David and Monika started sponsoring children in Sri lanka as part of the private charity, Sahana Seva. They currently support seven children directly and various school and temple projects run by their friend and Ayurveda specialist Dr. Buddhike Senevirathna and make regular visits to the children and their families.